Friday, January 30, 2009

guitar hero complete.

first i put fondant on this part of the guitar.

and then i iced the handle.
it's almost done...
yay! it's done.
i learned a lot this time.
and his grooms cake will rock.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

guitar hero. yum.

this is my guitar hero cake.
the pan was too small.
so i had to make do.
hence the lighter curves.
just shaped some scraps and iced em on!

i forgot to take a picture BEFORE i put it in the fridge to cool.
all iced up and ready to cool/harden.

i just pulled the second cake out of the oven.
i will make the handle of the guitar from that.
tomorrow i will add fondant!
look for the pictures tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

falling from the sky

lots of snow has fallen.

and there is still ice.
so, once again...
no school!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

brrrr it's cold outside.

ice day!
no school!

in comes the cold...

...out comes the boots.

"the 23rd"

Ok. So, I happen to love my dog. And she obviously loves me. Everytime I get in my office chair she wants in my lap. In fact, she always wants in my lap. This makes it quite difficult to do pretty much anything. But, she's just so darn cute. So, I let her in my lap anyway.

The End.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

I did not take this picture. That is becoming a typical first sentence for this blog. I will get better. But, right now, a lot of my thoughts are focused on planning this wedding. Which, is coming up very soon. I think that I want to do something like this for the centerpieces...well maybe not the centerpieces...maybe by the guest book or buffet. If I do these, they will obviously not have the tags...just the bling and the flowers. And if I use them for the centerpieces, I will make them much shorter than they are here. So, what do you think? Wanna help?!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sitting at my computer, I looked to my right to find this oh so cute little puppy glancing my way. She is mad at me right now because I am not on the couch cuddling with her.

because I am behind...

and because I could not figure out how to post two pictures in one post without it completely effing up the entire mojo of the post... here is a picture of the purty purse I received Christmas Eve. <3

coach, i heart thee.

So, I had no idea that COACH had designed yet another pattern...until I opened this on Christmas Eve. Thank you, Christopher. It goes perfectly with the sunglasses my sister gave me, which are white with bling. I would take a picture but they are in the car, and it is cold outside, and I am lazy. So maybe some other time. Sidenote: COACH is a very weird word.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Just Because.

Today, I am catching up. And, since I haven't taken any pictures lately, you will get some of my favorites from the past. This picture is courtesy of whomever those girls were who took my sister's wedding photos. That is my sister, B. She just so happens to be my bestest friend, as well. Oh, and my hero, too. I could write pages on this girl and our adventures together. And someday, I probably will. But, it won't be for years because we still have so many adventures left. Next up: The grand opening of our bakery, and Ghetto Nailz.

I hope that I can be half as beautiful of a bride as she was.

Eat Cake. Be Merry.

I obviously didn't take this picture. But, this is the cake that we have decided to have at our ceremony. The bottom layer will be vanilla with raspberry swirl. The top two will be chocolate fudge rum raspberry (chocolate with raspberry swirl, and chunks of fudge.) Um. Yum. I hope the lady does it exactly like this. I will be very upset if she effs it up.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Minnie <3 Mickey

I received his Mickey picture in an e-mail from his mom once. I remembered I was Minnie when I was about the same age. When I went to visit my sister in California, I took her to Disneyland and found this magnet picture frame. Perfect. It is my favorite magnet on the fridge.

All the Purty Colors (January 12)

Well, on January 12th, I started the last half of my law school career. Three more semesters. And it was time to retrieve my trusty highlighters. You should see my books. Sometimes I find myself highlighting useless things...just because I like my book to look like rainbows.

Meet Joe (January 11th)

So, remember me telling you about the Joe canvas we found by the dumpster? Meet Joe. Be Original.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Weep No More My Lady

Went to a game today. Go Cats! We won. Beat Vandy. Whoop. University of Kentucky basketball is a way of life around here. If you don't bleed blue, then you aren't a true Kentuckian. It's something that never leaves you...and if you aren't from around is something that you wouldn't understand. C-A-T-S CATS CATS CATS!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Hit the books. Don't let them hit you.

Well. It is time to hit the books again. I finally broke down and bought them today. No thanks to the state who is supposed to send me loan money, but somehow always succeeds in failing to get it here in time when I most need it. Hard to believe that six books cost nearly $700. Good news: after this semester...only two more of spending a ridiculous amount of money on books, lugging these SOB's around all day, and reading what seems to me to be a completely different language than that I am writing at this moment...

But. I know it will pay off.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Man Wall...

So, I am sure you have heard of the "man room." Well, since we live in a one-bedroom apartment, Christopher has his "man wall." It consists of this sticker, a Joe Montana canvas depicting Joe holding a Coors light (we found it one night sitting on a chair in front of the dumpster while putting boxes in my sister's truck. It was as if a mans wife MADE him get rid of this Joe he put it there...hoping someone would take care of him. We keep him on the man wall in front of the window so the man knows he is in good care.) The man wall also has a star wars painting...I bought this. What was I thinking? Crap.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Gumdrops falling from the sky...

My dad is in town this week. He came bearing gum drops and a card full of pictures of my little sister! Molly is her name. She is 6. I am 23. She is one of my best friends. My others being my other sisters and sister-in-laws and sister-in-law-to-be.
These colorful little treats are completely awful. I imagine I once liked the sugar-coated nothingness. But, these will not be going in my belly. Instead...I shall use them for cake toppings! Perfect.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Note To Self

I would like to say that I have wound up the lights, and will be putting them away shortly. However, this is not the case. Our tree still stands...taking up far too much room in this already-tiny apartment. These lights were our first Christmas mistake. Note to self: look at the box and be sure they are "green wires". I meant to return these, but then decided i needed the box to send a gift. So, I kept them...hoping that next year we will have a far bigger home, and somewhere to put these lights on.

The End.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Dance to the Rhythm

This is my nephew. Isn't he just a-dorable? This is the newest of my nieces and nephews. Not the first, or the last by far. Stinkin' really cute though. This little man is my fourth nephew...marks number seven when combining boys and girls. I have 4 nephews and 3 nieces. My second oldest brother's wife is currently pregnant with twin girls! So I will be posting those pictures sometime in February!

"Day 4" : Emmie

I know. I know. I missed yesterday. I suck at this picture a day thing. This little girl is Emmie aka little cub or da baby. She is a toy big ball of fur. Can you believe she only weighs 6 pounds? We want to get an Irish Emmie can ride in a basket attached to his back. This will not happen this year, so you will not see pictures of it. Sorry.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My First Fondant Cake

I plan on blogging with my pictures. So, deal. I am kind of cheating here because it is the third and I am posting a picture taken a few days ago. But, this is my very first fondant cake. I am getting ready to make the second so you will probably see many more pictures. I definitely learned some tricks with the first one. I am in need of a turntable...icing tips...and more baking pans. As of right now I do not have different sized pans, so I cannot make double-tiered cakes. But, I will be buying these shortly.

The End.