Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Chief Justice Molly

You may have seen her before. This is my six year old sister. And she sent me this picture the other day. She saw a picture of the Supreme Court...and moments later went to her mother dressed like this. I would be more than happy to have her as one of our supreme court justices. Hahah.


This is good ole Fred. My oldest (full blooded) brother brought him home on Valentines Day many o' years ago. When he was a Freshman at the first college he attended. Fred was a Frat dog, and was abused. He used to be one asshole of a dog, which is understandable considering what he had been through. He used to run around (impregnating female dogs, is our guess). But, he always returned. Today, in his old age, he still runs off. But, again, he always comes home. He spends most of his time in a chair that he has claimed as his. My parents recently got new furniture and somehow think they will be able to keep him off of "his" chair. I doubt they will be successful.


These are old school. I made them on Vet's Day for Christopher. I forgot to take a picture until he took a bite out of one of them and said "did you take pictures?" Hence, the top left cookie...

These are way amateur. But, this was before I found out about proper icing skills and the use of fondant. lol.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Meet the newest additions of my familiy. These are my beautiful twin nieces, Anna and Emily. They were born early, but are already home with their parents and older sister. I am so blessed to have so many amazing nieces and nephews. Someday, I want to gather them allll up and take one big picture...with myself in the center of course, being tackled by them all. As of now, there are 9 of them...but, my tenth is on his way (Well, they still don't know if it is a girl or boy, but my brother swears it is a boy). I cannot wait to watch them all grow and become the amazing people that I know they will be.

Friday, January 30, 2009

guitar hero complete.

first i put fondant on this part of the guitar.

and then i iced the handle.
it's almost done...
yay! it's done.
i learned a lot this time.
and his grooms cake will rock.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

guitar hero. yum.

this is my guitar hero cake.
the pan was too small.
so i had to make do.
hence the lighter curves.
just shaped some scraps and iced em on!

i forgot to take a picture BEFORE i put it in the fridge to cool.
all iced up and ready to cool/harden.

i just pulled the second cake out of the oven.
i will make the handle of the guitar from that.
tomorrow i will add fondant!
look for the pictures tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

falling from the sky

lots of snow has fallen.

and there is still ice.
so, once again...
no school!